New Hire and Equipment Provisioning Form - smadatek

    Please check the box only if you wish to order. For multiple orders, enter quantity in the Special Requests at the bottom.

    FORM All MSP Computers come with Chrome, Adobe Reader, Office 365, Webroot Antivirus, and Smadatek RMM installed.
    PROCESSOR For software such as QuickBooks and Solidworks, i7 is recommended.
    MEMORY (RAM) For software such as QuickBooks and Solidworks, at least 16GB is recommended.
    STORAGE CAPACITY For larger and mass quantity files saved, at least 500GB is recommended.
    For multiple quantities of an order or company-specific software requested to be installed, please enter below:

    To see terms & conditions as well as ATG|Corp. Master Service Agreement, visit
    An estimated quote will be submitted to the Requestor for final approval. Once approved, your order will be filled.
    By agreeing to these terms and submitting this form, you acknowledge that products are based on availability of stock and prices may vary.

    Prefer to download the form? Please click the button below.
